Изменения в вещании эротического пакета MCT на спутнике "Hot Bird"

Изменения в вещании эротического пакета MCT на спутнике "Hot Bird"С октября в пакет "MCT" внесены изменения: уменьшено количество кнопок с 19 до 16-ти, то есть если раньше мы имели днём 16 каналов а ночью 19 теперь днем будет 14 каналов а ночью 16.

Популярный канал "fantasy" (японские мультики) перестал быть круглосуточным, тем более не понятно почему убрали часть вещания именно канала "fantasy", который по опросам зрителей c/s был самым популярным в этом пакете, а канал "redlight usa" остался ночным что мешало сделать его круглосуточным добавив тот же free не понятно.

новый состав пакета MCT22
MCT-PREMIUM: The issuing new of the bouquet, 12 films not stop with all the kinds of the panorama hard, no requirement is left the case.
MCT-ASIAN/ULTRA: A programming integrally dedicated to the kind asian with the best of the overseas panorama hard associated to film of extreme kind in order to satisfy the every fantasi more perversa.
MCT-ELEGANCE/AMATEUR: The channel will concentrate its attentions on film with weft for palates fine associates to the amatoriale programming where it is possible to find actors/actresses to the first disowned perfect crews or that with filmini turned in house they take delight in the art of the sex.
MCT-FANTASY/FREE: Tv of animated naturally the all in key hard, associated cardboards to etero film for all the tastes.
MCT-GAY/TRANS: The issuing one satellitare entire dedicated to the kind Gay and Trans, with MCT no taste comes left from part.
MCT-LUX/BEST: The nocturnal channel where you will find all the international films hard.
MCT-PLUS/GLAMOUR: The channel hard with all the new kinds and more bizzarri that the panorama hard offers in this moment, the all mixato one with films hard dated years '20 till the days ours.
MCT-REALITY/FULL: The channel will allow that you to assist to that it happens in walls of a house, all in associated key hard to backstage and filmed turned in preview on the set and more 2 etero films, all in a single night.
MCT-SCT: The more long-lived channel of the panorama to satellitare hard with the best of films etero-hard.
MCT-SEX: The issuing etero where it is possible to space between the best of the panorama hard that it offers in this moment the market.
MCT-SUPER/DREAM: The issuing one been born in order to differentiate the mature kinds tettone//lesbo associated to etero film in Arabic language + 2 etero films for mix an explosive.
RED LIGHT ITALY: The best of Italian films.
RED LIGHT GERMANY: The best of films made in Germany.
RED LIGHT MIX: Film of kind Lesbo and Trans.
RED LIGHT U.S.A. : The best films made in U.S.A.
RED LIGHT LATIN: The best of films made in Latin America.

Как можно увидеть каналы free full dream теперь просто делят время на других кнопках
все каналы работают на картах и по c/s также как и раньше, но мне кажется качество картинки на некоторых каналах ухудшилось.



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